Friday, May 28, 2004

El Pollo Loco's Flan

One afternoon, as the pangs of hunger came over me and I was nowhere near any chowish places, I relegated myself to the nearest fast food outlet, which happened to be El Pollo Loco. What I had as a meal can be ignored for this discussion, but the flan that I ordered for dessert was another matter. Upon tasting my first spoonful of this seemingly normal looking bowl of custard and caramel, my tastebuds awoke, as a creamy, rich, sweet eggy goodness filled every square millimeter of my mouth. The silky texture was somewhere between Haagen Dazs French Vanilla and pudding.


At 1:37 PM, Blogger Shaun Dejwan said...

You too love El Pollo Loco's flan? I thought I was the only one. If you like flan like I do, try it at El Torito Grille, I believe there is one in Newport Beach at Fashion Island and another one in Brea, next to Brea-Olinda High School (You can see it on the hillside when you're driving on the 57 Freeway) They have great flan, and trust me I've had a lot of flan in my life. I love reading your blog, keep doing what you do and try the flan.

At 9:16 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

your gay

At 8:58 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

your really really gay, but yes I love chicken el pollo I also like guys and I am a guy.

At 4:59 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

The best flan on the planet, hands down, never gets old, always tastes the same, I love it. I tell everyone about this little known secret of awesomeness, they're always thankful to know the secret of the loco-flan.

At 11:50 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

you aint never lie, the el pollo loco flan is the ultimate supremely greatest creation of all kind. its so good you guys. greatest flan in the world bro...

At 8:07 PM, Blogger Noe said...

OMG does anyone know how to make el pollo loco flan?

At 7:24 AM, Anonymous Buy Generic Viagra said...

I just love this kind of food... everything is perfect and it's one of the cheapest places to go. El Pollo Loco has been doing an important contribution, particularly its specials dishes.

At 10:28 AM, Anonymous xl pharmacy said...

It is indeed a delicious, tasty "loco flan", great review.

At 8:38 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

Omfg. Right. Holy amzingness el pollo locos flan is the god of all flans in my eye. Its so smooth and delicious


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