Monday, February 28, 2022

Sushi Noguchi Omakase for the Heck of It!

Sushi Noguchi used to be our special occasion-only kind of place; but now it’s our let’s-just-get-really-good-sushi-since-you-never-know-what's-going-to-happen-tomorrow kind of place.

Sushi Noguchi
18507 Yorba Linda Blvd
Yorba Linda, CA 92886


At 4:52 PM, Blogger KirkK said...

Good to know they are holding steady thru these crazy times! We did enjoy our meal there back in hopefully one day soon. Hope all is well.

At 8:22 AM, Blogger elmomonster said...

Good to hear from you, Kirk!

Sushi Noguchi is doing really well. Weekends are full house, like nothing happened.

The price of Jun's omakase is now $70 and still worth it!


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