Thursday, April 24, 2014

Fosselman's Ice Cream - Alhambra

Before cronuts, cupcakes, and froyo, there was ice cream. And after they all go the way of the dodo, there will be ice cream. There will always be ice cream.

Ice cream is eternal.

Ice cream is timeless.

And Fosselman's is proof. Herewith is a true ice cream parlor, one that has been around since 1919. If you've not heard of it, or haven't been, plan to get yourself there. You're in for a treat!

I went to Fosselman's for the first time more than 20 years ago. The late great Huell Howser featured it on his KCET show and my dad took upon himself to take us there.

At the time I was not able to appreciate the significance of the place, or the fact that the ice cream made here is one of the best in California. Sadly, at that young age, I was more than content with Thrifty's.

But that's the thing with ice cream and especially Fosselman's--it's going to be there when you come around. A hundred years from now, when food blogs, Yelp and the Internet are all but forgotten relics, Fosselman's will be there.

And think of the flavors it will have then! At present, Fosselman's has adapted to the local tastes of a modern, multicultural neighborhood. It offers not just spumoni, but lychee, two kinds of green tea (Japanese and Chinese), horchata and ube.

For future readers (if my words might live on for more than a decade), my current favorite flavor is the Salty Caramel--it's everything an ice cream flavor should be.

But then it's ice cream. There's no such thing as a wrong flavor of ice cream.

Except garlic. That's just nasty.

1824 W Main St.
Alhambra, CA 91801
(626) 282-6533

Eureka! - Huntington Beach


At 3:30 PM, Blogger Greg Hao said...

did you get the peach? absolutely my favourite flavour there.

At 11:11 AM, Blogger elmomonster said...

I came *THIS* close to trying the peach. *THIS* close! But then I saw the Salty Caramel, and that was the ice cream flavor I adored from N'Ice Cream and hadn't seen anywhere else...but the peach is definitely next!

At 11:59 PM, Blogger Wandering Chopsticks said...

I like October for licorice. And November for cinnamon. Last month, I saw Guinness ice cream flavor in the window, but didn't get around to trying it. Horchata is pretty good. Macapuno too.

At 1:32 PM, Blogger dumplings said...


Great review. By the way, there's no such thing as nasty garlic ice cream (unless done right of course). Have you been to Stinking Rose? Hope that will change your mind!

At 7:03 AM, Blogger elmomonster said...

Wandering Chopsticks,

I'm in favor of all those flavors! Except licorice. But then, I shouldn't say that. I haven't tried it, and I always abide by that rule that you need to try something at least once! I do have a soft spot for Guinness Ice Cream. Guinness anything is always a good idea!


You know, I was actually thinking of the garlic ice cream at Stinking Rose when I wrote that. But I had it so long ago, and can't remember what it tasted like, so I think I will have to recant that statement.

What I should've written was chocolate wasabi, which I had at Atun in Long Beach as recently as two months ago. That was terrible, horrible! I couldn't stomach more than two spoonfuls!

At 2:20 PM, Blogger mpken said...

Salty Caramel!?!?! I'm going there tonight after work. Thanks MM.

At 7:10 AM, Blogger elmomonster said...


You must!

And thanks for the comment!


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