Friday, February 14, 2014

Honda-Ya Box - Costa Mesa

When I was a few years younger and in possession of more patience, waiting an hour for a table at Honda-Ya in Tustin was something I did every other Saturday night without even thinking about it. Now? Not so much. Honda-Ya Box in Costa Mesa is made for people like me who want instant Honda-Ya gratification without the Honda-Ya wait. It features some of the items the real Honda-Ya offers, just repackaged into a smaller frame. This is the Honda Fit to the original's Accord EX.

Yes, it feels a lot like the economy model, without all the bells and whistles--a stripped down, bare bones experience that tries to get you there and not much more. And in the kakuni lunch box I tried, it mostly does. The stewed pork I had tasted a little different than what I've had at the original. This one is a little less melting, a little more stringy. But I can't ask for a better miso soup than the one they serve it with. It's got noodles in it. And tofu. And vegetables. It's practically a meal into itself.

The combo comes with greens drizzled in a miso-like dressing, a pasta salad that seemed superfluous. But I like this place. I like the idea that Honda-Ya brings to the genre of quick Japanese bento box food. It doesn't resort to dumbing it down to teriyaki chicken and tempura specials. And they're slowly but constantly importing more and more items from the mother ship. Like crispy chicken skin. Asparagus bacon with garlic butter soy sauce. And those pickles they give you at the start of your meal. The one hour wait times? They can keep that there.

Honda-Ya Box
2969 Fairview Rd
Costa Mesa, CA 92626
(714) 557-2688

Solita - Huntington Beach


At 7:27 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

So is it a "Honda Ya" or a knock off.

At 7:39 AM, Blogger elmomonster said...

It's an official Honda-Ya!

But it's like those airport versions of bigger restaurants.


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