Wednesday, May 10, 2017

10 Years at OC Weekly!

Today marks my 10th year writing restaurant reviews for OC Weekly, Orange County's greatest paper!

Since that first review (published on May 10, 2007), I've eaten at and reviewed more than 500 restaurants. In the process I gained at least 15 more pounds than when I started, but also wrote what I estimate to be more than 500,000 words.

As a point of reference, Leo Tolstoy's War and Peace ticks at 587,287 words. So if my math is right and I keep at it, it'll only take me two more years to catch up to him.

In any case, I hope my reviews have been informative, fair, and, most importantly, fun to read. It has been fun doing them.

When I reached the five year milestone, I commemorated it by going back to eat Thai Nakorn--the first OC Weekly review I did.

This time, in light of the weight gain I've already mentioned, I'm going to refrain from celebrating with more food.

Instead I will take the opportunity to just thank all the great people at OC Weekly who made it possible for me to turn a hobby into a fun, rewarding, and enviable job.

So, thank you, Gustavo Arellano for your enduring support and mentorship; Lisa Black for happily handling all my late invoices; Dustin Ames for being the best art editor on Earth; Brian Feinzimer for all the beautiful food photos; Anne Marie Panorigan for being a great friend and tipster; Ted Kissell for hiring me; and Leo Tolstoy for setting a goal for me to aspire to.

Last but not least, I'd like to thank you all who are still reading this blog for sticking with me all these years!

*On a more personal note, I'd like to publicly thank my lovely dining and life companion (a.k.a. cookiemonster) and for convincing me to try out for this job in the first place. I still remember your words of encouragement: "The worst they can do is say 'no'!"

So thank you, cookiemonster for always being there for me; for enduring the bad restaurants even though all you wanted to do was stay home for the night; allowing me to order food I know you don't like; and for being my in-house editor-in-chief! Love you, abey!

Sawleaf Vietnamese Cuisine - Tustin


At 3:45 PM, Blogger Lou said...

Long time reader, first time poster--thanks for every delicious word. Keep reviewing!

At 8:47 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have been reading this blog for years and have tried so many new, wonderful restaurants due to your recommendations. Thank you!

At 5:50 AM, Blogger elmomonster said...

Thank you so much for reading! I really appreciate the comment!

At 5:51 AM, Blogger elmomonster said...

I'm glad to hear that! Thank you for the kind words!

At 4:17 PM, Blogger Krizia said...

Dang, 10 years! Congrats, man! And high-fives to cookiemonster for the editing skillz :) Now that I've been an editor for 6 years, I feel like I can say it is sometimes a hard job depending on who you're working with ;)

At 7:31 AM, Blogger elmomonster said...

Ha! True! It all depends on whose work you edit. Cookiemonster has no choice! She has to work with me! Ha!

And congrats on your editing job!


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