Sunday, November 26, 2017

Ice Cream at Yogurtland - Tustin

On the NBC afterlife comedy The Good Place, there's a running joke that heaven has a lot of frozen yogurt shops. At one point, their ubiquity makes the main character, played by Kristen Bell, ask, “What is it with you and frozen yogurt? Have you not heard of ice cream?”

The answer she gets from Ted Danson's character is the most pitch perfect line ever written about frozen yogurt. He said: "There’s something so human about taking something and ruining it a little so you can have more of it.”

It's true. People love froyo and can get enough of it, even if it's a perversion of yogurt. No matter from what walk of life you come, a cup of frozen yogurt is, in a small way, an attainable a piece of heaven. It's the one "want" in life you can get anytime. And if you go to Yogurtland, arguably the most successful frozen yogurt franchise in the world, buying one gives you full control of your sugary salvation: portion size, what toppings you want, even the color of your spoon.

More than that, a frozen yogurt shop is, I would argue, the Zen garden that exists on every corner, in every neighborhood. Think of the last time you went to get frozen yogurt. You relaxed. You forgot about your troubles. You let your guard down. You found your own "Good Place".

With all that said: just like Kristen Bell's character in The Good Place, I've always preferred ice cream over froyo. So when Yogurtland finally started offering ice cream, I tried it, and it was long overdue. It's milkier than their usual froyo, with richness that let's you know it's going to cost you an extra half hour on the treadmill. It is, however, for all intents and purposes, just soft serve--the same kind of soft serve you've always been able to get anywhere that does soft serve. So revolutionary, this ain't. Regardless, it is now my favorite thing at Yogurtland.

And if there is a heaven, I don't doubt this chain--whose explosive growth and popularity I helped fuel when I wrote about the first store in Fullerton in 2007--has already introduced it there.

15090 Kensington Park Dr Ste 410
Tustin, CA 92780

Grams BBQ - Garden Grove


At 3:53 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

At first glance while scrolling through the front page to do my periodic catchup of your blog, as soon as I saw "Yogurtland" in one of the titles I said "Really?!" in my mind. But this being your work, I read on because there had to be something about it. And there it was, news about ice cream being sold next to the yogurt!

Thanks for that heads up! I go to Yogurtland just once in a while but am also one of those who generally prefer ice cream over yogurt. In fact, I was at one of the Irvine locations just last week and while they had brought in new flavors of yogurt there was no indication that ice cream was coming.

Also, 2007. Ten years! Actually 11 years for that article you wrote, it was in January of 2007. Good grief, where does the time go?

At 6:33 PM, Blogger elmomonster said...


Thank you for taking the time to comment! And for reading all these years! I'm also baffled at how the years have flown by. It's very disconcerting, actually...but at least we now have ice cream at Yogurtland!


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