Bulgogi Bowl at Bulgogi House - La Palma

If you keep up with my reviews on OC Weekly, you'll know that the last restaurant I wrote about was Bulgogi House, an AYCE Korean BBQ palace in La Palma. In summary, I said that Bulgogi House is, without question, one of the grandest restaurants of its kind. You don't walk out; you crawl out, with your arms clutched around your sides and the feeling that your stomach is about to explode.
But as you curse the heavens for your lack of self-control, you also pat yourself on the back on how you managed to eat more meat in one sitting than most people see in a month.
"Good job, you!" you'll say to yourself, "You got your money's worth!"
"Now where are my Tums?!"

But in the last paragraph of my review, I mentioned that the bar offers a bulgogi bowl for $8. Yes, it's massive, with a fried egg, mushrooms, onions, and the pile of the sweet, sugary strips of lean marinated bulgogi weighing in at about a pound and a half; but it's an even better deal for another reason. After I ordered it, I was invited by the server to go and help myself to as many side dishes from the buffet as I wanted.
I was kind of dumbfounded at the offer. Did he mean just the panchan? Or did I have carte blanche on everything the buffet offered, including the deep fried mandoos and the chicken wings? To be sure, I got a little of everything.
That afternoon, I made out like a bandit and ate like fiend. I consumed way too much food for what I paid (even with an extra generous tip) and waddled out there in the same state as I did when I went to do the AYCE a week earlier.
"Good job, me!"
"Now where are my cholesterol meds?"
Bulgogi House
6901 Walker St
La Palma, CA 90623
(714) 522-2996
Bulgogi House - La Palma
Sadly, they've changed their lunch offerings. Only AYCE buffet now, for $13.99, and the servers bring out the banchan to you. At the buffet, they only had slided daikon, garlic, onions, about 6 hot sides (jjap chae, tofu soup, green beans), and rice. No more chicken wings and no more bowls :(
Aw, that bums me out!
I checked after I saw you comment, and it looks like they got rid of the bar menu altogether.
I guess it was either too good to last or no one was ordering from that menu...probably both!
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