Friday, February 13, 2015

Sprinkles - Newport Beach

There was a time when we'd scoff at the kind of people who'd post nothing but pet pictures on their Facebook page. Or buy special pet treats that cost more than it costs to buy real food.

Pets aren't people, we'd huff. Where we come from, we fed our dogs and cats dinner-table scraps. It was unfathomable to go to the supermarket and pay hard-earned money for kibble, let alone a specialty dog bakery, which could only exist in the one-percent part of the first-world.

But that was before we puppy sat my sister's yorkie, a loveable furball who won over our hearts and then, our wallets.

Now we've been to Sprinkles, an expensive cupcake place we wouldn't normally go for even ourselves. We went to buy the pooch a pupcake (yes, a cupcake for dogs) that's made with no sugar and yogurt icing for her 7th birthday. It even has a bone stenciled on the top.

And, yes, our Facebook page is now also plastered with dog pictures. One of the latest is her devouring the cupcake while wearing a festive party hat and a pink princess tutu.

Sprinkles Cupcakes
952 Avocado Ave.
Newport Beach, CA 92660
(949) 718-9400

Temakira - Costa Mesa


At 8:03 AM, Blogger Gardenia Rose said...

Awwww I love this place! Not to mention Sprinkles Ice Cream two doors down! Red velvet on Red velvet is nothing short of scrumptious! Please say you went there as well. (SO GOOD.)

Loved your little excerpt on the puppy! It is the same way I felt and now feel. My husband got me a pomeranian and now I would give that little furball the world. Funny how things change right? Can't for him to try a pupcake!

Great review with a personal touch!

At 8:37 AM, Blogger elmomonster said...


Thanks for the comment! And, yes! We got the humans a dozen of the assorted mini cupcakes. And I agree on Sprinkles Ice Cream. The red velvet ice cream is scrumptious! I think I like it even more than the red velvet cupcakes itself!


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