Ariel's Grotto - Disney's California Adventure

Be aware that Ariel's Grotto is a prix fixe restaurant. As such, the price tag for eating here will be steep, no matter what you order. You pay the same whether you choose the lobster or the chicken. The cost of entry will be nearly half of what you shelled out to get into the theme park in the first place.
Also be aware that this restaurant exists not because of its food, but because of its princesses. Yes, princesses. Ariel's Grotto is what Disney calls a "Character Dining" restaurant--a more humane version of "Dinner with Shamu".
There will be at least up to five princesses in all. Cinderella. Snow White. Aurora. Belle. And of course, Ariel herself. They're introduced via blaring intercom, upon which they'll curtsy and then float about the restaurant, posing for pictures and engaging in one-on-one conversations with all the star-struck pre-pubescent girls who themselves are dressed like princesses.
At some point during the spectacle, you forget how much money you're shelling out and just go with it. You'll know exactly the moment when this happens: it's when you see your daughter's ear-to-ear grin.
Ariel's Grotto
Disney California Adventure Park
1313 S Disneyland Dr.
Anaheim, CA 92802
(714) 781-3463
Paninoteca Maggio - Santa Ana
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